
24. For every Parish Assembly there shall be a Parish Managing Committee

25. The members of the Parish Managing Committee excluding the priests shall be elected by the Parish Assembly and their term of office shall be one year. Every Parish Managing Committee shall have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 members excluding the Priests. The Parish Assembly shall decide the needed number of members within these limits. If any Parish requires more than 15 members for its Parish Managing Committee, the Parish Assembly may with the approval of the Diocesan Metropolitan elect the additional members required. If the Parish is divided into wards as provided in section 12 above, the Parish Assembly may elect the Parish Managing Committee members on such ward basis. In the event of any vacancy arising in the Parish Managing Committee, the remaining members of the committee may fill up such vacancy by co-option from the members of the Parish Assembly. If in any circumstances special to any Parish, it is found necessary to extend the term of the Parish Managing Committee, the Parish Assembly may with the special permission of the Diocesan Metropolitan extend the term of office of that Parish Managing Committee to a period of three years.

26. The Vicar shall be the President of the Parish Managing Committee; other Priests if any shall be the Vice-presidents. The Kaikaran and the Secretary for the current year and the outgoing Kaikaran of the previous year shall be members of the Parish Managing Committee.

27. The Vicar shall report to the Diocesan Metropolitan about the election of the Kaikaran, the Secretary and other members of the Parish Managing Committee within a week’s time along with a copy of the Parish Assembly proceedings and his written approval obtained for the same. If no Kalpana (order) of approval of the Diocesan Metropolitan is received within three weeks of forwarding the report, it shall be deemed that the Diocesan Metropolitan has approved such election.

28. The Vicar or on his direction the Secretary shall convene the meeting of the Parish Managing Committee by giving written notice and the Vicar shall preside over the meeting. If for any reason the Vicar is unable to preside, one of the Vice-presidents, if any, and if there be no Vice-President a member of the Parish Managing Committee may on the direction in writing of the Vicar, preside over the meeting.

29. The Vicar shall convene the meeting of the Parish Managing Committee when he deems it necessary or when requested by the Kaikaran or at the request of one-third of the members of the Parish Managing Committee or on the direction of the Diocesan Metropolitan. The Parish Managing Committee shall meet not less than four times a year. If found necessary the Parish Assembly may decide a quorum for the Parish Managing Committee meeting.

30. The Secretary of the Parish Assembly shall also be the Secretary of the Parish Managing Committee. The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of the Parish Managing Committee, and when the Diocesan Metropolitan comes to the church on his Parish visit the minutes shall be got signed by him.

31. The duties of the Parish Managing Committee shall include the preparation of the yearly budget and the presentation of it to the Parish Assembly, the execution of the matters authorized by the Parish Assembly, the consideration and recommendation to the Parish Assembly of matters necessary for the Parish and the examination of the accounts presented by the Kaikaran.

C Kaikaran (Lay-Steward)

32. Every Parish Church shall have a Kaikaran who shall be the joint-steward along with the Vicar of all the assets of the Parish Church. When the Kaikaran goes out of office his stewardship will also terminate. The Parish Assembly may, if found necessary, elect not more than two Kaikarans with joint responsibility. In all legal proceedings on behalf of the Parish Church, it shall be sufficient if the lay-steward is made the party.( If there –be two Kaikarans for a Parish Church, any reference to one kaikaran in the constitution shall be deemed to apply to both the kaikarans).

33. The Kaikaran shall be elected by the Parish Assembly and his term of office shall be one year.

34. The Parish Assembly may without assigning any reason remove the Kaikaran from office with the approval of the Diocesan Metropolitan

35. The duties of the Kaikaran shall include recording and maintaining correct accounts of the Parish; receiving the income and making the expenditure of the Parish according to the direction of the Parish Assembly and the Parish Managing Committee; preparing the yearly accounts of the Parish every six months and presenting the same to the Parish Managing Committee and thereafter presenting the same to the Parish Assembly. When the Diocesan Metropolitan comes to the Church on his Parish visit the account books of the Parish shall be got signed by him.

36. The Vicar shall send or cause to be sent by the Secretary two copies of the summarized statement of accounts passed at the Parish Assembly to the Diocesan Metropolitan for his approval.

37. For every Parish there shall be a register of the movable and immovable properties of the Parish Church and it shall be made up-to-date every year and signed by the Vicar and the Kaikaran and kept in the custody of Kaikaran, and when the Diocesan Metropolitan comes to the Church on his Parish visit the same shall be got signed by him. All documents relating to the assets of the Parish and all records except those for the current year to be kept by the Secretary and the Kaikaran or those to be kept by the Vicar shall be kept under the joint-responsibility of the Vicar and the Kaikaran. D Vicar

38. There shall be a Vicar for every Parish Church; other Priests, if any shall be assistants of the Vicar.

39. The Vicar shall be the joint-steward with the Kaikaran of the assets of the Parish. The monies of the Parish shall be deposited in the joint names of the Vicar and the Kaikaran or in the name of any one of them with the consent of each other. But the Kaikaran may retain with him an amount as fixed by the Parish Managing Committee.

40. The Diocesan Metropolitan has authority to appoint, remove or transfer the Vicar or other priests. When the Vicar is so removed or transferred his stewardship will also terminate.

41. If a priest belonging to one Diocese is to be transferred to another Diocese, such transfer shall be decided by the Metropolitans of the two Diocese concerned in consultation with each other.

42. Deleted

43. In addition to the Baptism Register, the Marriage Register, the Burial Register, the Parish Assembly Register and Confession Register, there shall be a Parish Register containing the names and other particulars of all men and women of the Parish entered regularly under the responsibility of the Vicar and kept in his custody. When the Diocesan Metropolitan comes to the Church on his Parish visit these shall be got signed by him. The Vicar shall keep also the files of kalpanas (orders) and other documents received from higher authorities of the Church.

44. The Vicar shall be the custodian of the movable articles required for the day to day use in Church Services and those not so used shall be in the joint custody of the Vicar and Kaikaran.

Jain Kuriakose
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